Group Courses

On-line and in-person group courses are perfect for anyone who’d like more mindfulness in their life.  Our mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and Finding Peace group courses are taught in small-to-medium sized groups (approx 10 people) and 

The MBSR curriculum was developed in the 70s and is highly evidence-based. It’s the most widely used mindfulness programme in the world today and is structured to suit anyone who suffers from stress and anxiety, no matter what the cause may be. As the founder, Jon Kabat-Zinn famously once said: “All of life’s challenges are workable”

The Finding Peace in a Frantic World course was developed more recently but is similarly highly evidence-based and extreme popular.

Both courses can be challenging, and they require a lot of commitment and motivation to get the best out of them. That’s why it’s good practice for a teacher to talk with you about the course and what it entails before you make a decision.

The next step is to schedule a free interview so we can make sure mindfulness is right for you. Plus, we can answer any questions you may have.

Book a no obligation interview here – we’ll be in touch shortly.

For information on the dates and times of the next courses click here.