Mindfulness Courses and Coaching

Being Mindful:  Courses and Coaching

We deliver mindfulness courses and training throughout the year.  This includes the design and delivery of in-house workplace programmes and 1-2-1 coaching for more tailored needs.    

What kind of mindfulness?

It’s crucial that you engage with proven methods when working with matters of the mind. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Finding Peace in a Frantic World are two evidence-based mindfulness programmes renown for efficacy.  We utilise both approaches in our workplace training and  1-2-1 coaching.  

Why choose Being Mindful?

You’re in safe hands here.  Our teacher, Simon Barnes, has practiced mindfulness for twenty five years. He has an MA in teaching mindfulness-based approaches and recently co-authored and run a feasibility study with Reading University for adapted mindfulness practices.  He is a professional mindfulness teacher registered with BAMBA (British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches) and is a member of the Workplace Mindfulness Community.    

What do I do next?

Register for a free consultation so we can talk about your interest.  It’s a relaxed conversation to explore the options and answer any questions before you make a decision.  It’s free and there’s no obligation.


1-2-1 Mindfulness Coaching

We recognise it can be more convenient to work in a private setting.  It can also be more productive, especially if there is a particular focus that brings you to mindfulness.  We tailor sessions to suit your needs, which can be bespoke sessions or following the standard 8-week curriculum.  Find out more.

Simon has a long history in coaching and has recently contributed to Jonathan Passmore‘s latest book Cognitive Behavioural Coaching.  

Mindfulness in the Workplace

According to the Mindfulness Initiative report to Parliament we spend more of our time working than doing anything else, and researchers have found that these hours are on average the least happy of our lives. Endemic stress  accounts for a large proportion of workplace absence and represents a huge loss of national productivity. Meanwhile, success in most organisations relies on the very things that unhappiness and stress erode – collaboration, creativity, cognitive flexibility and effective decision-making.

Psychologist and researcher Jutta Tobias says “Mindfulness in organisations has been researched for at least 25 years. The evidence shows consistently that when individuals and teams practice mindfulness whilst working together, and when mindfulness is part of the culture and strategy of the organisation, then such an organisation performs more reliably than its competitors.”

Our workplace mindfulness training is not about how much people can do.  The intention is to understand and manage our own thoughts and feelings in a way that supports and sustains our health and well-being.  We believe this is essential to thrive in today’s complex, dynamic and interconnected world.

Why bother with mindfulness?

If you’re still not sure about the next step you might appreciate this wonderful blog post written by a client we coached in 2021.